Review: Generatioin Hope #14 The Lights Ignite!

Generation Hope 14 Cover Arist: Ibraim Roberson

Generation Hope #14
Writer: James Asmus
Artist: Ibraim Roberson

Last issue ” Regenesis” kicked started ( a story wide change within the X-Men’s numerous titles) and I admittedly believed that Generation Hope would continue down a lack-luster path. Previous issues have had high points, dealing mainly with the series leader, Hope Summers. But coming along into Regenesis brings new writer, James Asmus and artist, Ibraim Roberson, who have a new vision for our team of struggling youngsters. 

Generation Hope’s last issue set the stage for a possible new “light” appearing in Pakistan. Last issue, the crew also lost a member, Idie who joins Wolverine at the Jean Grey Institute but we get a fan favorite addition to the cast, Pixie. Pixie has already proved herself to be a valuable member as she acts as the groups resident teleporter. Hope brought her to the team so they can effectively travel across the globe at any notice of a new mutant/light appearing. If you haven’t read past issues, new mutants developing their powers are having an incredibly difficult time grasping them and are often a danger to themselves and others. For an unknown reason, it takes nothing but a gently graze on the hand by our little messiah, Hope Summers to assimilate the lights powers to a functioning state. With that being said, the team heads out to Pakistan to confront this new mutant, only to find the light isn’t some kid in need, it’s none other than Sebastian Shaw himself.


This is an obvious story thread placed by previous writer, Kieron Gillen, as he set the stage for Sebastian Shaw near the end of Uncanny X-men vol. 1. This discovery certainly adds much-needed tension within this teams dynamic, its new writer, James Asmus, that really makes this issue shine.

My main problem with this book before Regenesis was the slow development of the new mutants consisting of Hopes team. With the past two issues, I’ve witnessed more character development than i’ve seen in 12 issues before it. Kenji makes an impressive show of his physically limitless powers, Gabriel finds that his speed power is also accelerating his age, while Laurie toughens up a bit realizing the delicate state of the mutant race and that sometimes, violence is necessary to survival. Hope, now more than ever, has all the qualities that made Cable a great leader, from father to daughter.

Artist Ibraim Roberson has certainly upped the quality of this series. I first took notice of Ibraim’s work within “Escape from the Negative Zone” and I wasn’t really impressed. He had impressively detailed character designs, but his detail to backgrounds made each panel plain and monotonous. A few months back he did a fantastic one-shot tale within Uncanny X-Men, featuring none other than Hope Summers and Wolverine. Ibraim fired on all cylinders for the one-shot and has brought his “A” game with him in these past couple issues. One fault I have that deals with the art, is  a scene during a firefight, the team is trying to locate Pixie, whose been captured by the enemy. The whole time they’re talking about where she could be, though she was drawn in the background the whole time! Gabriel, the resident speedster, runs off the panel and brings Pixie back in his arms saying that he found her at a hidden location being guarded by her captors… no, she was with you guys the whole time trying to get your attention as you looked through her as if she were invisible.

Generation Hope may not have been at the top of my pull list, but with Regenesis comes new life to the series. We can only hope (pun intended) to see the series escalate to greatness before the coming war between the Avengers and X-men. Also, this issue has one of my all time favorite cliffhangers featuring my favorite, Scott Summers. Don’t miss it.

Story: 8
Art: 8.5

Also Recommended this week:
Wolverine and the X-Men #3 – This issue closes out the first story arc, introducing loads of new interesting characters.
Batman #4 – Bruce Wayne further investigates into the mysterious “Court of Owls”
Daredevil #7 – And Matt Murdock takes a group of students on a field trip, through hell… not literally, But damn!

Follow me on Twitter @DDsuperBatnix – Happy Holidays!

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Matthew Sardo
Matthew Sardo
As the founder of Monkeys Fighting Robots, I'm currently training for my next job as an astronaut cowboy. Reformed hockey goon, comic book store owner, video store clerk, an extra in 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon,' 'Welcome Back Freshman,' and for one special day, I was a Ghostbuster.